The challenge this time was to turn back time, taking photographs that showed an historical view of the subject. Since York is full of historical buildings, we were encouraged to be creative and perhaps to choose somewhere or something off the beaten track. The inclusion of modern vehicles, signs or other “giveaways” were to be avoided!
Despite quite a few comments about this being a challenging project, our members rose to the occasion and came up with an astonishingly wide variety of ways to interpret the idea of turning back time. Not surprisingly, there are images of places or objects that were commonplace in bygone times, many still in use today, and some were imaginatively processed to look like old photographs. There are even images of people who looked as if they would have preferred to have lived in bygone times! Others took an imaginative approach involving clocks and watches. And one image places two very different views of Bootham Bar next to one another and we have been assured that “both photos were taken on the day in York, and not downloaded or obtained via the web!”
Well done to all the many contributors! Despite all the modern trappings of our times, it’s interesting – and certainly fortunate in York – that many of the original buildings and objects still remain in use today, although photographing them without modern vehicles, signs or mobile phones was not as easy as it looks!