The Club was founded in 1983 by a group of photography enthusiasts who were keen to share knowledge and to learn from one another. We remain a friendly club that welcomes photographers of all ages and experience, from beginners to experienced amateurs and even a few professionals.
Our aim is to enjoy photography and, through mutual support, to continue developing our skills as photographers. You will always find someone to answer your questions or help you out. Our dynamic schedule of meetings and other activities encourage and stimulate creative image taking and processing, and provide opportunities for exchanging ideas and sharing expertise.
Our fortnightly meetings (on zoom or in-person) offer an interesting and varied Programme, including high quality invited speakers representing a wide range of photographic styles. Included in the programme is a popular Monochrome Interest Group (MIG) which caters for those with an interest in black and white photography. Our meetings also include critique sessions, which provide members with opportunities for picking up new skills, as well as getting feedback and encouragement. We hold a digital image ‘Showcase’ towards the end of the season, where the emphasis is on learning rather than ‘winning’, and we also have a fun ‘It’s a Christmas Knockout’ competition.
As well as our regular meetings, we offer several other popular photographic opportunities, including Cuppa & Capture, Photo Walks and Club Outings. These are always enjoyable social activities where we enjoy refreshments and a good catch up. For more information visit our Activities page.
Follow updates on the Bishopthorpe Camera Club and Photo Walks Facebook pages and check out some of the images in our Galleries.
If you are interested in joining us, please contact the Secretary (email: