About Us

The Club was founded in 1983 by a group of photography enthusiasts who were keen to share knowledge and to learn from one another. We remain a friendly club that welcomes photographers of all ages and experience, from beginners to experienced amateurs and even a few professionals.

Our aim is to enjoy photography and, through mutual support, to continue developing our skills as photographers. You will always find someone to answer your questions or help you out. Our dynamic schedule of meetings and other activities encourage and stimulate creative image taking and processing, and provide opportunities for exchanging ideas and sharing expertise.


Our regular meetings run from September to June and take place on alternate Tuesday evenings from 7.30 – 9.30pm

We have a mixture of zoom and in-person meetings, which enable us to engage with a diverse range of speakers from around the world, as well and enjoying more local speakers.

Our programme is either on zoom, or in-person, please see What’s On  for information for meetings and other Club activities.

Whatever activity you’d like to join us for,  you can be sure of a warm welcome. Please get in touch in advance by contacting secretary@bishopthorpecc.co.uk or by using the form provided under Contact Us.

Check out fuller descriptions of any of our various Activities.

We welcome visitors to the Club. Please contact Julia, our Secretary (email: secretary@bishopthorpecc.co.uk) if you’d like to know more.

Please under Activities and What’s On for the dates and topics of forthcoming activities.

Membership includes all fortnightly meetings and activities, including Cuppa & Capture, Photo Walks and Challenges. There may be additional charges for some outings, social events and other activities.

The current annual membership fee is £45, payable in September at the beginning of the season. There is a discounted rate for two family members of £67.50, and £22.50 for students in full time education and those under 18 years old.

There is also the option of a ‘Zoom-only membership’ at a cost of £30 (24/25 season). This is intended for those members who are unable to attend our physical meetings owing to their location of for health reasons. ‘Zoom-only members’ will still be entitled to take part in all other Club activities, including Cuppa & Capture, Photo Walks, Outings, Competitions, Challenges and Social Events, and are encouraged to do so whenever possible. There is a discounted Zoom-only rate of £45 for two family members.

Members must read and agree to abide by the Club’s Constitution and Policies (see below).

How to renew your membership or join the Club

Current members are invited to renew their annual subscriptions, and new members are very welcome to join.  The various types of membership, including reduced rates for couples, Zoom-only and those in full time education, are described above.

Please click on the purple ‘Renew or Join the Club’ button below and add your chosen membership type to your basket. You may find the following information helpful: ‘How to renew or join the Club‘.

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact membership@bishopthorpecc.co.uk for help or further information.

The Club recognises that photography is something that can be enjoyed by everyone, whatever their age. We are keen to welcome students and other young people to the Club to get involved in our activities.

Please get in touch if you are interested in coming to one of our meetings (email: secretary@bishopthorpecc.co.uk). You would be very welcome!

Please note that anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian when attending a club evening. This is to comply with the Club’s Policy on Children Attending Club Meetings.


The Club is run by a small Committee, who are all active members and contributors to the Club’s activities. Committee members are happy to be approached about the running and direction of the Club, and can point you in the right direction if you need help or advice.


Andy Towse

Vice Chair and Membership

Sue Hoggett


Julia Walton


Mike Chapman

In-person Programme Secretary

David Ireland

Zoom Programme Secretary

Helen Jones

Digital Competitions

Mike Fidkin

Other Roles

Web Team

Sue Hoggett, Julia Walton

Cuppa & Capture

Bryan Stanton

Photo Walks

David Williamson, Martin Holyoak

Club Outings

Alex Davidson


Julia Walton


Chris Sharples

Club constitution and policies

Please see the latest version of our Constitution revised on 25 June 2024.

The Club maintains a digital record of personal information concerning members, speakers and judges for the sole use of the club as set out in Bishopthorpe Camera Club’s Privacy Notice. Bishopthorpe Camera Club takes seriously the privacy of all individuals and such information shall be protected and maintained in such a way that any and all personal details shall remain private. Personal data will never be sold or passed to any third party. Further information is available below or from the Club Secretary (secretary@bishopthorpecc.co.uk).

You are reminded that children (persons under the age of 18 years) may be present at Club meetings, and by attending meetings and/or signing the application for membership you acknowledge that you will act accordingly and in line with the Club’s Policy on Children Attending Club Meetings, which was adopted by the Club at the AGM in June 2017.

Please note that anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian when attending a Club evening. Our designated Child Protection Officer is Julia Walton. If you have any questions or concerns, please see Julia in person or contact her by email at safeguarding@bishopthorpecc.co.uk.

Bishopthorpe Camera Club reserves the right to copy and reproduce any images, submitted into any of the Club’s competitions, critique evenings or exhibitions, for publicity purposes (including on the website). Any objections should be addressed to the Club Secretary (secretary@bishopthorpecc.co.uk). Copyright always remains with the author.

The club also reserves the right to use images of those attending club activities for publicity purposes (including on the website). Any objections should be addressed to the Club Secretary (secretary@bishopthorpecc.co.uk).

Bishopthorpe Camera Club’s Social Media Policy sets out the role of our Facebook and WhatsApp group pages and the behaviour that we expect from users. Failure to comply with the policy will not be tolerated and could result in deletion of inappropriate content or exclusion from our Facebook and WhatsApp groups.

We are grateful to Afan Nedd Camera Club, Port Talbot, Wales for allowing us to modify their guidance for use in our own social media policy.
