Member short talks

Four of our members will be presenting a short talk on a subject or topic of their choice. We’re aiming for around 20 minute talks with time after each for discussion and questions.

Our speakers and their titles are as follows:

Michèle Beverley:  ‘My 100mm lens’

‘I have always loved taking macro shots of flowers, moths and other insects but a short course in the summer with Polina Plotnikova (who gave us a very good talk on Zoom during lockdown) opened my eyes to the possibility of using my 100mm lens for other subjects, even landscapes. Now I often go out with only that lens – not always the right decision!’

Sue Hoggett: ‘From colourful creative to minimalist monochrome’

This promises to be very creative, with and without colour!

Martin Holyoak: People

Martin will be talking about his favourite thing ‘People’, with the focus on street photography, of course.

David Whitham: ‘My two cameras compared’

David’s talk may be a bit more technical (?) – however he reserves the right also to be creative!



There’s something to suit everyone, and we hope that you’ll come and support your fellow Club members.




ZoomFrom the comfort of your own home.


21st January 20257:30pm - 9:30pm

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