
This may look familiar, we are running it again as for some reason there were only two submissions for the gallery so we are looking to find more beauty in broken in the warmer weather.

Broken conjures up images of objects that no longer function but could equally refer to rules, hearts or lives so there should be plenty of scope around town.

In today’s consumerist, disposable world the concept of having been broken and then mended is a disappearing concept but, if you are lucky, you may find an example of the Japanese concept of kintsugi. This is an extension of the philosophy of  wabi-sabi or beauty in simplicity. Something broken or shattered may have a certain aesthetic grit it can also have an intrinsic beauty such as the fractal patterns in broken glass. So rather than just documenting disrepair try to capture some interest in your images or perhaps embrace your inner anarchist and ignore some ‘photograhic rules’. Still struggling? You may find some inspiration amongst the images here.

Whatever or however you choose to photograph, it would be wonderful if our gallery reflected the emotions or aesthetic aspects of ‘broken’ rather than objects ready for the bin.


York Theatre Royal, St Leonard's Place, Y01 7HD. Meet upstairs on the 1st floor.St Leonard's Place, York YO1 7HD



20th May 202412:00pm - 4:00pm

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